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3 min read
Debugging Product-Market Fit
“If you have to ask whether you have Product-Market Fit, the answer is simple: you don't.” - Eric Ries I don’t like this sentence because...

5 min read
The Bizarre World of Startup Ideas
Stuff that most people get mostly wrong about startup ideas, brought to you in a bizarre Q&A format. What’s the #1 thing people get wrong...

3 min read
When Customers Don’t Get It
When one of the best violinists in the world wears dirty clothes and plays in a DC subway station nobody stops to listen. In the fancy...

4 min read
Build the Scary Stuff First
Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. – Winston Churchill Every great product leader I have worked with is fearless. Whether it’s a...

2 min read
Back to Basics
Every so often your startup will grab you by the throat and drag you into a tough, complex, or plainly weird corner. When that happens I...

4 min read
Never Lose Momentum
The greatest double-edged sword of startups is momentum. Very little can stop you when you have it. Very little can prevent your death...

2 min read
Constant Truths
Aside from viruses being super annoying the pandemic taught us two things: no one can predict the truths of the future and some truths...

5 min read
The Change That Changed Everything
Product value doesn’t guarantee product adoption. Not in B2B. We built a valuable product, sold it to excited customers, and watched the...

4 min read
Resisting The Shiny Object Syndrome
You can do anything, but not everything - David Allen Flow, or "being in the zone", is one of the best feelings in the world. No one can...

7 min read
Coming Up With a Successful Start Idea
We’ve spent 2 years brainstorming startup ideas and another 2 working on a bad one. All in all, It took us 4 years to find a successful...

4 min read
Why The Best Product Managers Delay Their Intuition
My wife and I are walking into a house showing. It takes me less than a minute to decide that it is the right house for us. We spend the...

8 min read
Good Pivot Bad Pivot
It’s March 18th 2020. San Francisco is going under lockdown in a few hours. The last flight to Orange County has 3 passengers on it--I’m...

5 min read
A New Way to Think About Product-Market Fit
I made my team waste two years of their lives building and refining the wrong product. Yes, we had a good time and we learned a few...
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