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Nothing Else Matters

Some things become the most important thing only when missing.

If you don't build it then nothing else matters.

If it has no value then nothing else matters.

If nobody knows about it then nothing else matters.

If users don’t love it then nothing else matters.

If customers don’t buy it then nothing else matters.

If you run out of money then nothing else matters.

If your heart's not in it then nothing else matters.

If it’s not unique then nothing else matters.

If it’s unsustainable then nothing else matters.

If you’re not proud of it then nothing else matters.

If it doesn’t get better over time then nothing else matters.

If you don’t get better over time then nothing else matters.

If you’re being delusional then nothing else matters.

If it goes against your values then nothing else matters.

If you fail then nothing else matters.

If you give up then nothing else matters.

If it doesn’t change the world then nothing else matters.


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